When we buy a new fashion leather handbag ,how can we identify the age of the handbag ?You don't know ,the handbag also have the age!
Here we would like to teach you how to identify the handbag age.
1.you should watch the hardware of the handbag,usually it should cover with a plastic to protect the hardware otherwise will left the harwre will abrasion.
2.The four corner of handbag also need watch carefully,after a long time ,the corner will have polishing scratch.
3.If a new handbag ,when you open it,will have a really heavy smell,the new handbag ,the smell will more heavy.
4.Please pay attention with the handbag's code ,just same as our ID card ,the handbag code is unique.
So,after learning about the age of handbag,how can we choose our suitabl handbag ?
Please don't worry if your favorite handbag just have last one,now you can book on the internet directly.
How to choose a latest style handbag?It is really easy ,pay more attention of the fashion weekly publication or the your favorite handbag website,then you can get the information of newest handbag.
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