Sunteam is a Fashion leather handbag manufacturer and High quality PU wallet Manufacturer. We are a professional supplier of bags, wallets and other small leather goods for 6 years.
How to keep workers stable is very important for running a company.When being asked by this question, most people will say: offering reasonable pay with reasonable working hours. Sure, this will do the job. But except this, you should do more to make the workers feel being valued and respected instead of being treated as simple labor machine. In our Sunteam company, we have a room for workers entertainment. There are four table tennis table and two pool table. The room will open in after work hours and rest day. So the workers can play there in their spare time. In addition, we will organize a table tennis tournament. The winners will be awarded with cash and souvenir. As I remember, the award in last year,s game is rmb300 and one genuine leather handbag for the champion, rmb200 and one genuine leather wallet for the runner-up, rmb100 and one PU handbag for the third winner. Except the winners, all the participants got one PU wallet as souvenir.
Email: sunteam02
Skype: belinda062111