1. Bags production enterprises in China should pay close attention to the trend of the international market and customer preferences change, adjust the design of the products, to meet the needs of the market, such as the United States travel bags design is toward multi-function, the direction of more convenient, such as put the suitcase and clothes bag design as a body, the convenience of carrying travelers.
. Domesticexport enterprises should participate in some domestic luggage products industry exhibition, understand the industry of the latest developments, promote their products, to meet trade partner.
3. bags export enterprises in China must establish a own enterprise website, registered a company dedicated E-mail, don't use public address on the website, otherwise will be suspect
edcredibility of the companyby U.S. importers
4.currently on the market in the United States
,almost all the bags made in China is brand designated by the U.S. dealers, manufacturers processing in China.According to the characteristics of the U.S. market, at present, the vast majority of Chinese bags enterprises don't have the strength to make their own brand in the United Stated market, so should be defined the international division of labor conditions, further consolidate the low-grade market, guarantee quality and the prestige, strengthening industry self-discipline and avoid the vicious cycle of heavy discounting, beat a good foundation of the your own brand inthe future.
Contact :Zoe Tang
Mobile Phone:0086 15071133685
Skype: zoe.tang8