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    E-mail: Indirizzo: Rm # la costruzione di #1, Fanhai internazionale Soho Città, via Huaihai, distretto di Jianghan, Cina.Contattare la società Casa Notizie Notizie sociale Why Is Chinese New Year on the.....


    Why Is Chinese New Year on the Date It Is?

    Autore:Yoyoy liuFonte:Rilasciare il:2017-01-09
    Like Christmas/New Year in other countries, Chinese New Year is simply a much-needed winter holiday at an auspicious time. Rest Before a New Farming Year Chinese New Year was set to coincide with the slack time just before a new year of farm work begins, as a time of preparation. When most Chinese were farmers this made sense. Now 55% of China's population is urban (a generation ago it was 25%), but 100+ million return to their rural roots for CNY. Chinese traditionally celebrated the start of a new year of farm work, and wished/prayed for a good harvest. This has now evolved into celebrating the start of a new business year and wishing for profits and success in various vocations.
    Contact :Yoyo liu Mobile Phone:0086 13886081422 Skype: Wuhan Email: 03 Website:
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