It seems that the luxury market only pay attention to a strict economic law, the value of goods depends on the socially necessary labor time, and the market's niche and master crafts are the soul of luxury goods. In the case of big bags, one Hermes in 3 days and Dior in 5 days, this is the standard that craftsmen strictly follow.
1,lady Dior handbag
Number of craftman: 5 person, time: 72 - 120 hours
From the distant country, rare and precious leather. Dior Workshop has always insisted on advanced and unique craftsmanship, completely hand-built. Dior's rare leather goods are not only clothing accessories, but also a masterpiece of art and craftsmanship. Dior's rare skin has 135 different colors. 6 series of handbag styles, 5 professional craftsmen, a single handbag can take 3 to 5 days to make.
2, Hermes
Number of craftman: 1 person time: 72 hours
A Hermès bag, made by the same craftsman, wearing a leather apron, holding an awl and a dipping wax, a needle and a needle, completed in 3 days. The magic weapon of Hermes making bags is an ancestral needle, called double riding nails. This type of needle can only be used by hand and cannot be replaced by a sewing machine. Hermès craftsmen also practiced a stunt. Like some classic Hermès series production time, you need to make a reservation at the same time, and you need more craftsmen.